Davis 本人对索金的人物塑造持保留意见 缺点或者说窠臼还是有不少的 但让我个人兴奋的 reference 也是不少(别再吹 Eric Clapton 了 Ginger Baker 比他好到不知那里去了) 结尾的煽动性和喊话够直接 —— The Whole World Is Watching 但同时也要看到:Of course, there are very decent police officers in every state but the systemic racism in the police department just can’t be denied. 好歹是本方队友加一分鼓励吧 希望索金还是意识一下自己太白了的缺点 这种白化简直是可怜了的骑墙感
什么叫angelic smile & potent bluest eyes,纽曼给你诠释。。。。 I'm not picky. As long as she's smart, pretty, and sweet, and gentle, and tender, and refined, and lovely ...