【The world is full of sounds. We don't normally hear them as 'music'. But the sounds are actually very interesting, musically. So I have a strong desire to incorporate them into my work, mix them into instruments into one soundscape. A sonic blending that is both chaotic and unified.】斯特拉文斯基也說「美妙的天籟之音固然讓我們聯想到音樂,但本身並不是音樂...音樂元素只有在人為的加工組合之後才能成為音樂…」
14.10.2021 | @ Regal Gallery Place | 久违了的欧洲大闷片儿(很久没看了还挺想念的)。小动物们好可爱呀,风景好美啊,但是我还是睡着了。睡得还挺香的!很小清新的故事。