1. - I'm sorry Mr. 1st AC that you fucked up too much in this movie, not that I can do it better tho. - Will this affect his next job? - Definitely. 2. Damien Chazelle didn't know when to fucking stop. 3. Damien Chazelle is a major masturbate. 4. The ending is like a teenager who had his hands on film camera for the first time in his life.
其实应该是一部非常好的纪录片 但是我冲着马特达蒙看的,快进到最后没看到他人影 有点失望
现在很少被剧或者电影吸引,大多数都是看了一会儿就弃。神奇的是,这个剧的氛围感(恰到好处的丧&幽默),台词(话唠&深度),以及角色(fucked up but crave for love),挺戳我。Alex表面的玩世不恭,内心温柔敏感,以及那句secretly dying on the inside真的是让人难过。