汤姆汉克斯是少有的充满脆弱感和信念感的演员 哪怕是末日题材 哪怕角色病入膏肓 依然有一种哀而不伤的坦然 全片的主题音乐也非常好 Don McLean的American Pie “A long, long time ago I can still remember how that music Used to make me smile And I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And maybe they'd be happy for a while” 很久很久以前 Finch存在过 挺好 PS: 无论在什么时候 一个人会遇到的危险永远来自同类 当Finch连夜逃避人类追车那一刻 人类的消亡已经注定