When love goes wrong, nothing goes right. 女人间的友情很动人。We are just two little girls from Little Rock. But we are on the wrong side of the track. 还有那首著名的Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. 梦露太美,千娇百媚。群舞和舞台设计也很精致,歌舞片时期的经典之作。
我或许在很多剧情里都烦透了Alicia,但我还是承认这是部好剧。虽然看到最后已经略腻了这不停的勾心斗角相互利用开始快进,但是不得不承认这一切都非常真实。that's life, that's humanity. We're flawed, selfish most of the time, and we could only try our best to make do with what we have.